Bride Valley Archers

 The Club is developing this archery discipline as it has proved very popular. It is a growing discipline with an increasing number of shoots and participants. All Archery GB divisions are accepted: Recurve, Compound, Barebow, Longbow, Traditional and American Flat Bow.

 Field archery at its basic principles is similar to Target archery. Very often a good target archer can become a good field archer once they learn the skills to master slopes, varying terrains and differing targets.

 The main differences are as follows:

* A field archer shoots both marked (known) and unmarked (unknown) distances from 5-60 metres, depending on division.

* Field archery involves 24 targets on each day of competition with 3 arrows shot at each. 

* Field archery can require archers to shoot uphill or downhill, across slopes and varying terrain and also through different light and wind conditions.

* A field archer has to judge the distance to the target and learn to adjust body position to maintain good technique on varying terrain.

* Field archery requires knowledge of how an arrow reacts to shooting up and downhill and to adjust aiming accordingly.

* Field archery is shot in groups of 3 to 4 archers drawn to shoot together for the day around the course.

 A variety of targets are used at the club:

World Archery circular black/gold targets (scoring 6/5/4/3/2/1) as used in most Archery GB Field Tournaments

2D Animal paper targets and 3D foam animal targets with deer, dinosaur, crocodile, bears, lizard, beaver, wolf, cougar, rabbit, snake, owls, raven, turkey, wood grouse, fox, genet, duck. fish, magpie, bats, rats.



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